Wills and Bequests

Wills and Bequests

Wills and Bequests

Making a Will is important at any stage of life

… ensuring that when you have passed, your estate will be handled the way you planned. Furthermore, it ensures that your assets will go to the people you choose, giving you peace of mind that your affairs are in order.  Including a Bequest in a Will is one of the easiest ways to continue supporting your community after death.  A Will is your important document that gives you the choice to provide for that which is close to you! There can be no better way to remember our loved ones than to help give assistance to research. This will enable funding of research projects and to continue the work of Australian Rotary Health.   We have two options  to facilitate your wishes.

Option 1  …   You can visit your legal or financial person to discuss the following codicil to gift something to research through Australian Rotary Health.

“I give devise and bequeath to the Australian Rotary Health (ARH), PO Box 6161, Norwest   NSW 2153, or its successors, free of all duties, succession or otherwise State or Federal for the purpose of research into health related problems.
The sum of $________________ (insert cash sum)
The property at _________________________________________________ (insert address)
My ___________________________________ (insert description of item/s)
(insert __________%) of my residual estate.
And I declare the official receipt of Australian Rotary Health shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my trustee for this bequest.”

For more information please contact the office on 02 8837 1900 or email: [email protected]

Option 2 …   Organise your Will with Willed.

When you leave a gift in your will to Australian Rotary Health,
you leave a lasting legacy.

A gift to Australian Rotary Health is a lasting legacy to create better health for all Australians through improved education and advancement in knowledge through medical research. As well as, by supporting excellence in research in an effort to provide both preventive and curative solutions for a broad range of health conditions. Large or small, bequests will make an important difference to many lives.   Leaving a bequest in your Will is a decision that requires careful planning.   We at Australian Rotary Health ensure that your bequest meets your wishes and is used effectively.

Leave a gift in your Will

People leave gifts of all sizes and types, with every dollar having the power to help advancement in health through research. Your Will is an important document that must be properly prepared and executed. It does not need to be difficult or expensive.  We recognise that your first priority when making a Will is to provide for your loved ones. After they have done this, many people choose to leave a gift in their Will to charity.  You should consult with your solicitor, trustee company or the Public Trustee for advice that is right for you and your personal circumstances.

A gift to Australian Rotary Health in your Will can take the form of:

  • Residuary Bequest: A gift of the balance of your estate, or a percentage of it, after you’ve made gifts to family and friends.
  • Pecuniary Bequest: A specific amount of money that you decide.
  • Specific Bequest: A specified item such as shares, property, works of art, jewellery and other items of value.

If you need help with preparing your Will, you can prepare a legal online Will via Willed, an Australian based company.

Click on the button below to begin the process and leave a lasting gift for Australian Rotary Health


Rotary District of Australia